Accounting, Financial & Legal

Indian Finance & Accounting talent is recognized worldwide. Right step Consulting has extensive database of Indian F&A talents which specializes in UK / US Tax and Accounting regulations and are well versed in accounting and finance domains including expertise in international accounting standards and efficient enough to handle the requirements of all kinds of services such as Payroll Processing ,Bank Reconciliation , Actuarial Services ,Financial Consultants , Bookkeeping, Invoice generation, Financial Statements, Ledger maintenance, taxation, etc.
As the companies which are off shoring F&A matures, they have starting exploring fresh ideas and seeking new answers to streamline F&A processes. They are expanding outsourcing to new areas of finance and accounting, new industries, and new sizes of companies than in the past.
India has a large pool of qualified Legal Process Outsourcing experts with experience in Litigation, Document Review, Contract Management , Legal Research, Patent review, filing etc.
Type of Virtual Employees Available